Golden Puck Offers Up Hefty Donation, News, Golden Puck 51st Annual House League Tournament, 2014-2015 (Port Colborne Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 14, 2015 | Len Carthew | 1179 views
Golden Puck Offers Up Hefty Donation
The Port Colborne Health and Wellness Centre has received a slap-shot of a donation from the Golden Puck Hockey Committee.

John Van Gool, Chair of the Foundation for Golden Puck Hockey Committee, donated $50,000 to the City of Port Colborne towards the construction of the new facility, which has been up and running for two years now.

“This is a great day in Port Colborne. I feel honored to be part of this announcement,” Van Gool told city council recently. “We are eager for the opportunity for the commitment of future generations who will benefit from the Health and Wellness Centre.”

Mayor Vance Badawey thanked Mr. Van Gool for his donation, stating it was the first public organization to come forward to dedicate money towards the project.  “For that we’re grateful,” said Badawey.