2021/22 Season Update, News, Archive (Port Colborne Minor Hockey)

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Aug 25, 2021 | Matt Lallouet | 521 views
2021/22 Season Update
Information with regards to the start of the season

OMHA has initiated a preparation period for starting the season. this "prep" ice time is open to all skaters local(house) league and rep. This will be set up in September and will consist of six ice times. AN ADDITIONAL FEE OF 125.00 will be requested to attend. This fee includes rep tryout fees as ANY PLAYER WISHING TO TRYOUT FOR REP MUST ATTEND A MINIMUM OF 4 OUT OF 6 "PREP" ICE TIMES TO QUALIFY FOR THE REP PROGRAM. The remaining rep tryouts will start after Sept 24th. With local league starting shortly after rep tryouts commence.

All players must be registered and paid in full prior to hitting the ice.

Our season is moving ahead with full team rosters, and no restrictions as far as gameplay is concerned. There will be covid restrictions with regards to entering the Vale centre, but at this point we have been told it will be social distancing, masks and contact tracing. no limit to spectators. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THESE RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITS CAN CHANGE. PCMHA will follow any changes that are handed down and will adjust accordingly if needed as the season progresses.

We are currently setting up the payment option for the "PREP" ice times and we will let you all know when it becomes available. It will work the same as the seasonal payment as far as making the payment. The only change is that will be the requirement to pay the 125 in one full payment to be eligible to skate.


Please contact Randy at [email protected] if you are interested in helping our teams develop

Additionally, we would like to let everyone know that may be interested in starting to referee hockey that they can send an email to our referee in chief at [email protected] for information regarding certification.