Third Annual Teeder Kennedy Classic
Rules and Regulations
Port Colborne Minor Hockey Association
Tournament # 9059
General Rules and Information:
This tournament is sanctioned by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). Hence the tournament will be conducted as per the rules and regulations of the OMHA.
Tournament Headquarters/Sign-in will be upstairs in the Golden Puck Room of Rink 1 at the Vale Health & Wellness Centre.
All teams are required to have their coaching staff sign in at least one hour before their first game.
All teams must submit their Approved OMHA Roster and Tournament Travel Permits with their on-line registration, or as soon as possible after submitting your registration. Your final Roster, if different from the one submitted before hand, must be provided at least one hour prior to your first scheduled game.
· In order for Affiliated Players to play in tournament, they must be present on your Official OMHA Approved Roster; this document must be provided prior to playing the first round robin game.
· If your roster has changed since submitting the original roster from an earlier date, you will need to provide an updated roster submitted at least one hour prior to your first scheduled game.
· Only certified persons on a team’s Approved Roster are allowed on the bench.
· Teams should be prepared to play 15 minutes prior to arrival should the tournament be running ahead of schedule.
· Body checking is permitted in the Bantam and Midget divisions.
By entering this tournament all coaches and/or managers on behalf of their teams, must release the OMHA, tournament committee, referees and all officials, sponsors, volunteers, arena management and all concerned with the tournament from any and all liability of injury or accident which may be incurred by any player or team official while participating in or coming to or going from the tournament.
The decision of the Referees is final, no appeals will be heard.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to make changes at any time due to unforeseen circumstances.
All decisions of the Tournament Committee are final.
Round Robin Point System
· 3 points for a win
· 1 point for a tie
· 0 points for the loss
· Any team failing to appear for their scheduled game time without just cause will forfeit the game. 2 points and a 3-0 score will be awarded to the opposing team.
Round Robin Play (All Divisions)
· Warm up = 3 minutes
· Game = 10-10-10, stop time
· No time outs
· In the event of a 5 goal or more differential at any time in the 3rd period, the clock will convert to “run time”. Once the goal differential is returned to 3 or less in the 3rd period, the clock will convert back to “stop time”.
· Games are subject to curfew
Tie Breaker Format is as Follows in the Order Listed
· 2 Teams:
o Team winning head to head
o Goal percentage ((GF/(GF+GA))
o Highest plus/minus
o Fewest goals against
o Fewest penalty minutes (all penalties combined including misconducts)
o Coin toss (furthest travelling team calls the toss)
**Tournament Chair decision will be final**
· 3 or More Teams:
o Goal percentage ((GF/(GF+GA))
o Highest plus/minus
o Fewest goals against
o Fewest penalty minutes (all penalties combined including misconducts)
o Coin toss (furthest travelling team calls the toss)
**Tournament Chair decision will be final**
Elimination & Championship Play (All Divisions)
· Warm-up = 3 minutes
· 1 time out in regulation play
· If at the end of regulation play, no winner is determined, overtime is permitted
Overtime Format (All Divisions)
· No flood
· No time outs permitted
· Period(s) will be 3 minutes in length
· 1st period = 4 on 4, 2nd period = 3 on 3
· Goalies remain in the net they finished regulation play
· Player change on the fly only, no substitutions permitted on stoppage of play
· All power play / short-handed penalty criteria apply which would result in 4 on 3 and 3 on 2 situations, etc.
· A minimum of (3) players are required, (including a goalie)
· In the event of excessive one sided penalties, referees will establish the required quantity of players per team to satisfy the above criteria
· If at the end of overtime play, no winner is determined, a shoot-out will happen.
Shoot-Out Format (All Divisions)
· Prior to the start of any elimination or championship game Teams shall designate 5 shooters by circling their numbers on the game sheet
· A sixth shooter should be designated by a check-mark to be used only as an alternate
· If one of the 5 shooters are unable to shoot due to injury, ejection or penalty criteria, the alternate shooter will fill that spot
· Any player serving a penalty when overtime is concluded will not be permitted to participate in the shootout.
· The home team has the choice to defer or take the first shot.
· The shooters may proceed in any order, but only once through all (5)
· A winner is declared if there is a goal differential after the (5) shooters
· If no winner is declared, all remaining active players on the bench are eligible to participate
· Shooters proceed (1) per team until a goal differential is achieved
· Only after all eligible players have taken (1) shot, can an eligible player(s) be used in any order as appointed by their coaches
· Goalies remain in the net they finished overtime play
· No flood
Ice will be flooded after each game.
All teams will require “home & away” sweaters, (base colour light & dark)
The "home" team shall wear their light sweaters.
Dressing Room Allocation
Dressing rooms are assigned and room numbers are posted on the main lobby on the monitors. Your cooperation in leaving the dressing rooms as quickly and as clean as possible will be greatly appreciated.
Tournament Suspensions
Any player assessed a major penalty for fighting and a game misconduct (GM30 or GM31) will be suspended from any further tournament play. It is the responsibility of the team official to find out if any suspensions occurred in their games. Tournament suspensions are recorded and submitted to the OMHA daily and will be served during tournament play. Check with local associations for rules governing carryovers.